Hello to anyone that reads this...
Thanks to everyone that has voted for "Jack-o'Lampoons" so far - I really hope it can hang in there amongst the top 3 until the 31st!
The whole thing has been nerve-wracking - I am surprised at how Newgrounds really gets under your skin as you watch your votes gradually climb then suddenly dip (repeat...) - can anyone tell me a little bit more about how the voting here works - not 'technically', but 'culturally'!? Please do keep voting - I'm up against some people with staggering amounts of fans (no surprise as their work is excellent) so need all the help I can get!
I/we are already starting to think about a Christmas one, but maybe that's tempting fate!
Also thanks to those who have becomes 'fans'! I'd love to hear back from you!
Here is a sneak-preview image from our Christmas brainstorming: